aQuest focus control about make improvement on the enggagement

New of innovation today for future to bring and building of technology with high performance for control about ecosystem on completed of doing of task reward control to make as well, and the best of solution for give the services for all user became and contribute on this platform , with high control on manage of certain of task and simple more task and control of condition of pay for all user just was completed and doing the task , so this is make all user very interested for contribute and support for this platform growth in future with high value .


Solution of building , creating of system control about marketing campaign to high system class and on this platform is focus on give the best of control all task to all participant for contribute , high on rules for must follow and then after all participant hasbeen succesfulll for doing task this is getting for reward payment after end of a quest , so this is make all user very intersted for contribute on this platform , about control of task all verification performance is very well .

Tech implementation 

aQuest high performance for control of ecosystem on marketing campaign because on there implementation with high tech , and then aQuest integrate with Enkronos Apps and so this is make all quality on building of creator on campaign as well , and then with Enkronos Apps we can easy for collection for all user and building engage with other users , and then aQuest focus control about make improvement on the enggagement of user to make as well with best brand in future, establish and control interaction and transaction as well on this platform .

Feature Of aQuest 

integration with Enkronos Apps , and then on there Automated of website , we can building of more reward for doing for task , easy for use and learn for contribute on this platform , high perfomance and services , mobile frindly for use , about accesible is very well , and then high secure control for all user contribute on this platform , based for all reward using erc-20 tokens , and more task and variability for all user contribute on this platform .


  • Token name :AQU
  • Pre ico price : 0.003 ETH 
  • price ico : 0.006 ETH 
  • Platform : Ethereum 
  • Softcap : $ 1 Million
  • Hardcap : $ 39 Million
  • Pre ico : 2019-01-24 – 2019-02-21
  • ICO : 2019-02-25 – 2019-04-09

Distribution of tokens

TEAM aQuest : 

  • Gianluca Busato , Founder & CEO 
  • Jure Veler , CTO 
  • Spela Mermolja , Project Manager
  • Luka Mladenovic , Backend Developer
  • Jan Rozic , Frontend Developer
  • Mojca Mir , Business Assistant
  • Matjaz Prijatelj ,System Administrator
  • Niko Bergles ,UX , UI Graphic Designer
  • Matej Hladnik , Frontend Programmer
  • Primoz Nemec , Solution Sales Specialist


  • Selena Balconi , Art Director
  • Debora Oliosi , Digital Strategist 
  • Sanem Avcil , ICO investor , advisor
  • Marco Muhrer Schwaiger, Serial Entepreuner
  • Carlo Buonpane , ICO Advisor

ABOUT aQuest : 

Web :


Bounty BTT:








Author Arumi.Bilqis

Bitcointalk Profile :;u=965668

ETH : 0xADd9Ec477106F9165c6dad1803e2EfEb518240dB

Обмен Ripa имеет амбициозные цели, которые позволят им

Рынок ICO в наши дни очень похож на Дикий Запад в период золотой лихорадки. Можно заработать деньги очень быстро, иногда даже хорошие деньги, но вам нужно найти идеальное место или в этом случае хороший проект для инвестиций. Обычная вещь для Дикого Запада? Никаких гарантий и почти никакого закона. Очень легко найти плохих ковбоев, которые собираются обещать вам золотые горы, чтобы украсть ваш последний кусок хлеба. Поэтому во всем этом беспорядке, если вы хотите найти свой золотой самородок, вы можете доверять только своим сердцем.

После моих исследований я нашел этот проект, в котором я действительно положил свою веру: RIPAEX. Скорее всего, вы не слышали о них, проект сделан замечательными членами команды. Тем не менее, у парней есть преимущество, у многих других команд нет: уже существующий продукт сделан на очень перспективном поле. Но это не все плюсы, которые я нашел в этом проекте. Ниже вы можете прочитать анализ и самостоятельно решить, хотите ли вы отправить копейки в банк.

О компании RIPAEX

RipaEx – это Crypto Asset Marketplace, на котором будет размещаться несколько обменов криптотермией, основной целью проекта является предоставление ресурсов и технологий, позволяющих открывать новые биржи по более доступной цене через платформу Open Source Exchange полностью бесплатно, эффективно, надежно и также будет иметь общую книгу заказов со всеми другими обменами сети, даже если новые обмены имеют ликвидность с момента ее первого дня работы.

Ripa Exchange – это гибридный децентрализованный обмен с основным фокусом с понижением начального уровня для открытия новых платформ и предоставления криптотрейдерам безопасных торговых партнеров, работающих ежедневно. Peatio, с открытым исходным кодом используется встроенный Ripa Exchange и любезно предоставлен (Ripa Liquity Service Provider), который похоронит на сущем поставщиках, позволяет каждому обмену в сети RIPA использовать аналогичную книгу заказов, тем самым придерживаться ликвидности менеджерам, предлагая их конечным пользователям от первого дня ,


Открытый исходный код

Peatio – это настраиваемая архитектура для решения обмена криптовалютами, позволяющая легко подключаться к KYC / AML, аутентификации, ETL / отчетности и другим службам;

Проверка KYC

Peatio является лучшим KYC и обменивается информацией KYC, чтобы соответствовать стандартам банковского надзора и соответствовать требованиям Due ​​Diligence (CDD);

Прозрачный и настраиваемый

Peatio – это настоящая технология с открытым исходным кодом, обеспечивающая надежность, прозрачность, гибкость и возможность настройки всех новых проектов на основе блокчин;


Peatio поддерживает широкий спектр общих языков и улучшает удобство использования децентрализованной платформы по всему миру. Разработчики будут делать все необходимое, чтобы предоставить своим клиентам возможность наладить взаимовыгодное сотрудничество;

Доказательство платежеспособности

Peatio Proof of Solvency (PoS) позволяет пользователям проверять платежеспособность обмена криптовалютами на основе Peatio без ущерба для доступа. Это настоящая гарантия защиты от мошеннических схем, используемых в современном мире;


Peatiopos создает несколько учетных записей и торговать в разных валютах. Peatio упрощает торговлю разных валютами. Вам больше не нужно тратить время на поиск разных сервисов – все манипуляции с криптовалютами могут выполняться на децентрализованной платформе;

Корпоративный обмен

Возможности обмена предприятиями Peatio включает в себя высокопроизводительный механизм соответствия, масштабируемые распределенные рабочие процессы и двухфакторную аутентификацию SMS;

Функциональность и интуитивность

Самый простой, удобный интерфейс для регистрации и входа в систему.

Индивидуальная процедура внесения депозитов и снятия средств и встроенный аудит проверки платежеспособности.

Торговая консоль Ripa Exchange

Торговая консоль Ripa Exchange – это полностью отзывчивый торговый интерфейс, построенный с гибким дизайном, который дает вам прекрасную возможность сэкономить время и деньги, позволяя вам доступ к вашему контенту на любом устройстве.

Ripa Exchange специализируется на том, чтобы удовлетворить друг друга, при этом балансируя ваше приложение, чтобы оно было последовательным по мере увеличения области просмотра.

Ripa Liquidity Service Provider (RLSP)

Платформа будет делиться ликвидностью через функциональность Ripa Liquidity Service Provider (RLSP), которая создает единый журнал заказов, соединяющий все обмены в сети RIPA, гарантирующие высокую ликвидность. Эта функциональность, объединенная с двумя другими инновационными технологиями Smart Bridge и ACES, позволит сделать обмены Ripa межсетевыми операциями, то есть различные блок-цепи могут обмениваться информацией.


Система RipaEx предложила окончательные ответы для смягчения диафрагмы зарождающихся криптоторговых операций. Это позволяет им создать прочную и развитую систему децентрализованных профессий, сотрудничающих в надежной структуре через инновации в блокноте. Основная цель задачи – свести границы, позволив трейдерам сосредоточиться вокруг того, что достоверно является косвенным.

Это подразумевает, что это никогда не будет означать стресс или инвестировать деньги и деньги, создавая этап или даже обладая высокой мазумой, чтобы дать ликвидность, поскольку именно это RipaEx предлагает передать начальные сделки, расширяя потенциальные результаты для них, используя свой бизнес.


Название токена: XPX

Поставка: 115 миллионов XPX

Токены на продажу: 74 750 000 XPX

RIPA TEC: с июля по декабрь 2018 года

Вы можете получить XPX здесь:

Сохранение растущего RipaEx достигло 500 + зарегистрированных делегатов, 11 500 + пользователей Telegram, 8 000+ пользователей Twitter и более 600 пользователей Slack. Валюта XPX будет указана на следующих двух биржах, начиная с понедельника 29 октября 2018 года:



Выбор для этих двух обменов был сделан, потому что мы ценим небольшое развитие экосистемы, и мы поддерживаем платформы обмена, которые мы считаем безопасными, эффективными и инновационными. RIPA TEC закроется 11/16/2018, если две интеграции с Graviex и Altilly будут работать плавно.

Токены, не обменянные на этапах RipaEx Pre-Sale и RIPA TEC, будут распределены следующим образом:

₱ 30 000 000 заблокировано и используется для финансирования развития Ripa Exchange во время финансирования ROUND TWO, которое начнется в январе 2019 года

₱ 20 000 000 сожженных для поддержки ценовой стабильности валюты XPX для сжигания в партиих ₱ 1M – ₱ 5M каждый

₱ 20 000 000 запертых на данный момент, чтобы убедиться, что сеть Ripa не будет находиться в руках неизвестных людей, которые могут не согласиться с видением RipaEx

Функциональный анализ для Ripa Exchange следующий:


25 валют от POW, DPOS, MasterNodes, ERC20 (если доступно)

Возможность добавления / изменения вкладов WebWallets (OKPay, PayPall, NETELLET, другие …)

Войти через Facebook, Twitter, Goolge +, (действительно нужно?)

Стандарты безопасности Альянса FIDO

Разделение между реестром пользователей, торговым интерфейсом, механизмом торговли, движком депозита / whitdraw


Выше вы видите дорожную карту – как команда видит свое ближайшее и долгосрочное будущее.


Команда, похоже, является самой сильной частью этого проекта. Он состоит из новаторских и талантливых людей. Конечно, я не могу жаловаться, если мы говорим об их профессиональном уровне, ребята действительно являются экспертами в своей области.

Главной целью этого проекта является создание лучшего в мире с открытым исходным кодом crypto-ресурса коммерческого центра с элитным обменным мотором и безопасностью, которым можно доверять и ценить клиенты. Будьте частью этого грандиозного проекта и следуйте этим ссылкам для получения дополнительной информации;


Техническая документация:

ANN Тема:





Автор Arumi.Bilqis
Профиль Bitcointalk:;u=965668

Hetachain is committed to solving problems

What is Hetahane?

The Blockchain technology, with its ability to simplify peer-to-peer transactions without the need for a third-party intermediary, can be compromised by many centralized systems and applications, especially in the banking and financial services sectors. Combined with powerful intellectual contracts, blockchain technology has the potential to change the dynamics of the economy around the world. A truly decentralized ecosystem takes control of several self-serving entities and returns them back to the masses.
Blockchain technology is a truly innovative innovation in how data is created, shared and edited. But despite this, blockchain technology is currently faced with a critical performance issue. For this reason, the proposed Hetachain to create the latest Blockchain network architecture to be used is very simple, more flexible for users and developers using the blockchain platform, which has very high performance.
A cryptographic algorithm using ECDSA (digital elliptic motion algorithm) with a secp256k1 curve for public-private cryptography. The private key is 256-bit random data.
The HETA address associated with this private key is the last 160 bits of the SHA3-256 (Keccak) hash of the public key

Adoption Issues

However, the rate of adoption of block-driven solutions to solve real-world problems and the replacement of existing systems was slow. The main reason may be related to the problem of scalability associated with bitcoins, ethereum and other block chains. Both Bitcoin and Essential Blokhin experienced problems with network overload at the end of last year. Open decentralized applications (DAPPS), built on the currently existing block technology, are usually bogged down with performance issues without giving users the comfort and ease of use they are used to. There is a problem that is sufficient to handle the massive traffic of existing systems.

Hetachain: solution

Hetachain intends to solve these problems and create high-performance blockchins that scale, facilitate easy, smart contract creation and are easy to use by end users. This is a hybrid consensus mechanism based on delegated share proof (DPoS) and Byzantine resiliency (BFT). The goal is to create a block chain that is scalable, has a shorter block time and high bandwidth. With the Hetachain algorithm, a block is created every 1 second and checked with a single maze on the network.

HetaCoin: cryptocurrency that feeds Hetachain.

Own cryptocurrency that feeds and manages Hetachain and provides blocking as a service, HetaCoin has several options for use.
Usage fees charged by users or companies using Hetachain as a service
Transaction Fee at HetaCoins

Awards to be distributed in HetaCoins

Hetachain is committed to solving problems that are currently detrimental to current goals and solutions, be it scalability, confidentiality, security or bandwidth. Thanks to its advanced architecture and design, it can become a leader, able to bridge the gap between technology and people and change the emerging landscape.

О Hetacoin – HETA

Hetacoin is the internal cryptocurrency Hetachain, which is used in the Mainchain network. Hetacoin is used as a tool to pay fees for using the Heta Blockchain service.
When a user commits a transaction by exchanging coins or tokens that were made by Het, he must pay for the predetermined Hetacoib mount. Also referred to as transaction costs. This mandatory duty makes Hetacoin a real value for the system. It can also prevent traders from flooding the network with unlimited micro-transactions.
When a user participates in a consensus process or validation from Mainchain and Private Chain, he must be rewarded with a certain Hetacoin. This is a Giving reward for users. For the consensus assessment level, it should depend on how much effort the participants have spent on this process.

Road map

Q1 and Q2 2018
HetaChain Design
Written document
Q2 and Q3 2018
Main chain development
Displaying UI Flowchart Data
Wallet demo
ICO Hetachain Event
HetaChain ICO private sale
Q4 2018
Demo version of the HetaChain demo block
Hetachain test grid (test version)
Opening of the open sale of HetaChain ICO
List of HETA tokens on the exchange
Private technology development
Q1 2019
Web portal release
Dapp development
Smart contract
Wallet Update (Multipoint)
Running the HetaChain test network
Q2 2019
Ready Dapp
Auto create Dapp
HETA Billing Portal
HetaChain block analyzer (update)
Hetachain mainnet (test version)
Q3 2019
Starting the Hetachain Network


Advisory Board

For more information, please visit:

My Bitcointalk (Arumi.Bilqis) :;u=965668

ETH Address : 0xADd9Ec477106F9165c6dad1803e2EfEb518240dB

Nortonchain and automatically confirmed

Nortonchain is an improved technology in the blockchain revolution. The ledger is distributed for the sole purpose of performing free transactions and providing a high level of security to all users.
Nortonchain is assumed where several other platforms can be built such as the bitcoin blockchain and where transactions are made every second and confirmed.
However, transactions are executed on Nortonchain and automatically confirmed from peer to peer without the need for minors. On Nortonchain, confirmation is done automatically when it is created. Nortonchain is built with integrated artificial intelligence to do the work of the miners. Thus, all transactions are confirmed on each user account, because AI is able to ensure that the child himself attaches to each of the new accounts created. In the relationship between AI parents, every AI child who looks a lot like AI parents is fully aware of all transactions made and this encourages an automatic confirmation process on the chain.
Thanks to this, everything about Nortonchain is synergistic and guarantees maximum security. In addition, dummy transactions are performed by automation systems to execute billions of transactions in a short time, which ensures greater security. except that all nodes can be assigned at the same time, but this is not possible because some nodes are created in each transaction and each node supported by an independent AI on information or activities on others. or edited, more like a process that can not be changed. This ensures that even if the existing node is composed, the others are not damaged.
Nortonchain is an autonomous, decentralized exchange, where users do not have to worry about passwords and emails to enter, nor worry about private keys. With AI Nortonchain, this exchange allows users to connect with their recognized faces as login information.
Norton Bot is another breakthrough to help users communicate directly with Nortonchain. With Norton Bot, any developer can create anything on Nortonchain by giving only a small description (command) and details to the Bot, which makes it almost entirely designed for developers. This will help developers finish work and projects done very quickly and even more efficiently.
Norton Bot looks more like a telegram, easy and user-friendly, but more powerful than expected.
Nortonchain has a representative coin called Norton Coin. Norton Coin is a payment chip used in many Norton platforms. This atomic exchange is capable and used on other platforms outside Nortonchain for countless uses.
NRT integrates with the Bancor protocol to provide liquidity to the tokens for members.
The Nortonchain team is proud to announce the integration of the Bancor protocol to provide Norton chips with sustainable liquidity. We believe this is a breakthrough and have worked hard to integrate, be confident and secure of a great revolutionary impact that will be brought into the Nortonchain / blockchain ecosystem industry. Therefore, we must wait for the start or conclusion of the sale of tokens before applying for integration, because a large participation expected at the next sale of our chips.
“Given our goal of providing all the tools necessary to enable our users to have high security, zero cost and high speed transactions, Nortonchain is trying to build trust and respect with all of our members to empower their success. We have discovered how to do this by providing our users with a simple way to switch tokens through the Bancor network, “said Samuel Strong, Founder / CEO.
By integrating the Bancor protocol, Norton holders will have access to sustainable liquidity regardless of the volume of transactions or create an exchange, through the Bancor network, in which the token is integrated can be automatically converted to another directly from your door -currency or handbag web3 anything bancor, like metamask.
NRT will activate the Token Relay with 1-3% of the Token Provision within one week of successful token sales.
About Nortonchain
Nortonchain is an improved technology in the blockchain revolution. A large book is distributed with the primary purpose of providing a high level of security to all users, free transactions and instant transactions.
Nortonchain is an autonomous, decentralized exchange, where users do not have to worry about passwords and emails to enter, nor worry about private keys. With AI Nortonchain, this exchange allows users to connect with their recognized faces as login information.
Norton Bot is another part of Nortonchain, which will help users communicate directly with Nortonchain and facilitate the creation of new projects on Nortonchain. It is a communication engine for developers and social communities.
About Bancor
The Bancor protocol is the standard for the direct manufacture of cryptocurrency with internal convertibility via smart contracts. Bancor uses an innovative “connector” token method to allow continuous price and liquidity calculations for all integrated tokens, without the need to match two parties in exchange. Token Smart connects to form a network of liquidity chips, allowing cryptocurrency generated by users to grow. To instantly convert tokens, visit App Web Bancor or join the Bancor Telegram Group for more information.
Samuel Strong
CEO and Founder, Python Developer and Javascript
Ubong-Abasi Udoma Verified
Developer ?
Dadapir Galgale
Marketing Manager
Gurpreet Singh Chauhan
Marketing and Exchange Advisor
Lucky Uwakwe
Platform Development Advisor

My Bitcointalk (Arumi.Bilqis) :;u=965668

My ETH Address : 0xADd9Ec477106F9165c6dad1803e2EfEb518240dB

CryptoLancers for online payment services, making it possible to connect between project

What is the CryptoLancers platform

The CryptoLancers platform is a decentralized peer-to-peer freelancing platform and CryptoLancers for online payment services, making it possible to connect between project leaders and service providers by helping people bring innovative projects to life, and employing freelancers to provide related jobs and services. CryptoLancers will solve many problems

For decades, freelance platforms have struggled to find a balance between customer needs and the demands of freelancers, while server operators are stuck in the middle.

Crypto Payment makes it easy and quick to accept and crypto payment payments that offer the best services that meet the goals and problems of clients at the lowest cost and the best time.

The Crypto ecosystem ecosystem uses distributed computing to solve the problem of online payment service transactions, which are inherent to existing systems, in a single distributed peer-to-peer platform. Decentralized blockchain technology and smart contracts to facilitate customer projects payments on an agnostic trust platform, offering a greatly reduced risk of fraud and no counterparty risk.

  • Future Features and Projects

We have more in store for the freelance market than just the loose ecosystem, but for all that is valuable, it’s good to build a good foundation.

Our main goal is to become an international platform and our coins are in the top 10 ICOs on the market. We want to get your name out, so we can achieve not only people who are technically experienced but 

also ordinary people.

After that, we plan to connect our CryptoLancers platform to existing functional services and make them usable by anyone. We have also built our platform to become a base layer that is easily expanded to other projects in various fields and around the world.

Some of these features can change when we learn how platforms are used in the real world, and some may never succeed from the drawing board. But we are a group of creative, innovative and experienced in various fields.

  • What does the client want?

Because of the diversity of supply requests, clients want the best offer that meets their expectations in terms of quality, price, and turnaround time. They want to help that set of expectations are in line with their project.

They also want total satisfaction from the results obtained at the end of the contract or total outflows in the opposite case. Their project security is one of the important requirements, for this, the follow-up of the work done is a primordial task.

Clients want a quality server and can exchange easily and cheaply throughout the market without being hacked. But most importantly, they just want to find secure platform everything on one!

By investing, CryptoLancers allows platform publishers to assign tasks to affected characters. CryptoLancers provides several services on a single platform using a fully distributed network and a very secure payment method.

Token Info

CLT tokens

Ethereum platform

Type ERC20

Cryptolancer market analysis tokens at this time

Pre-sale 1 Price: $ 0.200

The maximum number of tokens to be sold: 

5,000,000 of 100,000,000 (5%) 

Minimum purchase amount: $ 10,000

Pre-sale 2 Price: $ 0.375

The maximum number of tokens to be sold: 

10,000,000 of 100,000,000 (10%) 

Minimum purchase amount: $ 1,000

ICO price: $ + 0.498

The maximum number of tokens to be sold: 

22,500,000 of 100,000,000 (22.5%) 

Minimum purchase amount: 0.5 ETH

Cryptolancer total tokens softcap: $ 1,500,000

Cryptolancer total hardcap tokens: $ 11,250,000

Token Distribution

CryptoLancers will be distributed as widely as possible during token distribution events at launch. This distribution will consist of counted amounts for the cryptancers team, as well as selling closed private and public tokens.




Meeting of teams of founders, developers, designers and web security teams to confirm the idea of ​​a decentralized freelance platform


Start in the white book and apply all suggestions from the whole team. 

Market analysis of tokens and studies of:

  • All sell token algorithms.
  • Platform.
  • Freelancing application fees.


Whitepaper has finished. 

Conference meeting with all interested investors and all teams.

Pre-sales of Q3 Tokens start for more than 45 days. 

List the CLT tokens on the exchange after one month of starting pre-sales. 

Defining and developing the beginning of the platform structure. 

Release beta test version.


Realization of the official version of the website platform. 

The initial development step of blockchain technology. 

Hard forks from the CLT token distribution of all exchanges.


visit the link th


at I have provided below:






My Bitcointalk (Arumi.Bilqis) :;u=965668

InfraCoins aims to help activate the tiering service and this signing

Image results for InfraCoins bounty

InfraCoins is a decentralized ecosystem for property registration that will use block technology to make the recording process cheaper, more convenient and safer. InfraCoins technology reduces traditional frustration, fraud, delays and friction points in the process of hotel bookings and rental bookings for the benefit of customers and customers. Although the costs and characteristics of homes and hotels vary around the world, many countries experience similar problems in long-term rentals and hotel accommodations. InfraCoin’s mission is to offer solutions that are equally effective for international border residents.

InfraCoins aims to help activate the tiering service and this signing to reach the transfer threshold from fiat to crypto by developing platforms that focus on practical applications of smart contracts and blocking technology in booking transactions and hotel properties. 


The evolution of technology has caused disruption in various sectors in recent years. Although so many other industries have been successfully disrupted in recent years (retail, social media, transportation), property listing space remains mired in tradition and does not have comparable innovations. The process of booking hotels and long-term rentals still results in frustration and time loss for both customers and clients. There is no significant technological disruption to deliver to new and better ways to rent and order. Here at InfraCoins, we aim to change that.

Global practices for hotel booking and rental processes still include lists in the form of simple classified ads in print publications or on sites such as, Craigslist, Zillow, Rightmove, and Zoopla which provide limited information about certain properties for prospective tenants and basically there is no support for items that can be acted upon, such as application processes, contract execution, collection, and maintenance requests. THE SOLUTION

Today, InfraCoins offers users web-based hotel booking services and long-term rentals, platform listings. Our goal is to utilize blockchain technology to ensure a seamless hotel and rental booking experience that will allow all rental applications, rental contracts, hotel booking processes and listings to be completed quickly and online. It is still common practice to complete many tasks manually. This includes prospective landlords, receiving paper or cash checks, rental payments, deposit releases, calling the hotel to confirm if payment is received, booking confirmed, etc. In addition, agents and brokers sometimes charge significant fees for minimal services, and landlords force tenants to freeze thousands of dollars in rental deposits.

International tenants face the problem of qualifying to rent abroad because their credit value and credit history are only valid in their country or in a country where they are legally eligible to work and live at this time. Using InfraCoin, property owners and travelers in countries around the world will have the opportunity to enjoy a transparent and universally applicable platform to register their property for rental or commercial purposes. Also with INF token customers we will be able to book hotels anywhere in the world with low transaction / commission fees. Blockchain Opportunities Search for properties that are efficient and reliable

Blockchain-based lists will allow data to be distributed across peer-to-peer networks in a way that allows brokers to have more control over their data, along with increased trust, because the list will be more freely accessed. MLS supported by blockchain will also provide clear details about the location and address of the property, comparable rental rates, capital value, ownership history, tenant details, property age, and clarity of title. As a result, market participants can have access to more reliable data at a lower cost. In fact, as per a recent Deloitte survey of 308 executives, 36 percent of respondents felt efficiency (lower costs / greater speed) as one of the main benefits of using blockchain technology. PROCESS

Users uploading property listings on the INF blockchain for free 
InfraCoins allows users across platforms to freely access data and also make transactions using INF Tokens. RESULTS Increased Transparency Improved process efficiency and accuracy Easier access to international lists Lower transaction costs How it works The Decentralized INF Ledger is a machine that regulates all transactions and relationships between hotel / property providers and clients. In essence, there will be rules and operations governed by smart contracts that will be used in the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

Listing Properties: Users upload property lists on the INF blockchain; free of charge, InfraCoins allows users across platforms to freely access data and also make transactions using INF Tokens. 

Financial Evaluation: InfraCoins digitally performs user KYC in a few minutes, validating documents and identification evidence using AI and NLP. After KYC is approved, the user will be given a reliable value, which can help the lender make the right decision to continue the transaction.

Hotel Booking: When booking a hotel a smart contract will be triggered (agreement), which includes details such as price, hotel details, and cancellation policy. Under the terms of the contract, the smart contract starts payments from customers. At checkout the contract triggers payment to the hotel .

Some operations (but not limited to) The decentralized INF Ledger will run:

  • Order placement
  • Order confirmation policy (instant / or after review)
  • Deposit deposit
  • Deposit / refund at check-out
  • Check-in requirements & high-class possibilities
  • Trigger disputes & conditions of dispute
  • Cutting deposit
  • Optional history / reputation requirements for customers
  • List of rental properties


ICO details
General information
Token: INF
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Quantity: 60 Million INF
Price: 1 INF = 1.25 USD
Payment: BTC, ETH, XRP, Fiat
Soft stamp: 3 Million USD
Hard Cap: 30 Million USD
Quantity: 5 million INF
Start: 15.07.2018
Completion: 31.07.2018
Quantity: 25 million INF
Starting: 10.08.2018
Settlement: 31.10.2018
Image results for InfraCoins bounty

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Author : Arumi.Bilqis

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Ubecoin is only accepted by legitimate companies that are part of our free trade barter network

Hello my readers, I am here to write a review here in my article about UBECOIN: it is a blockchain solution created by a Gibraltar technology company with the objective of not less than the complete interruption of the traditional barter market worldwide. Ubecoin it will be used as a means of exchange of Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C) and Consumer to Business (C2B).

Blockchain is a type of distributed book to maintain a permanent and tamper-proof record of transactional data. A blockchain works as a decentralized database that is managed by computers belonging to a P2P (peer-to-peer) network. Each of the computers in the distributed network maintains a copy of the ledger to avoid a single point of failure (SPOF) and all copies are updated and validated simultaneously.

If you are a business or a consumer, you have control of your account and your Ubecoin balance at all times.

By decentralizing the barter industry on a global scale, Ubecoin and Free Trade Barter are offering business worldwide with a new main sales channel.

Ubecoin offers direct business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C) and consumer-to-business (C2B) transactions. The transaction is guaranteed by the blockchain transparent ledger, which means that the trade is controlled by the merchant instead of the platform


1. Free Trade Barter (FTB)

2. Online entertainment

3. Fintech y Telco

Free Trade Barter (FTB)

Ube Ltd has identified the reciprocal trade and barter industry as its initial target market and intends to disrupt that industry by exploiting the inherent flaws of traditional business models. Barter is the action or the system of exchange of goods or services without using money. The modern trade and barter industry includes three main sectors: • traditional retail barter companies • corporate barter companies, and • compensation trade. Ubecoin can be used anywhere there is a barter exchange worldwide, in any sector of the market. Ube Ltd will offer business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C) and consumer-to-consumer (C2B) business capabilities worldwide. Ube Ltd has developed a subscription and trading platform known as “FreeTradeBarter” (FTB), where listed merchants can accept Ubecoin or a combination of Ubecoin and cash for goods and services. Ube Ltd has successfully completed a small geographical “proof of concept” in New South Wales, Australia. It was concluded that there was a high level of willingness and desire on the part of the companies to exchange goods and services by Ubecoin without charging cash.

Affiliated barter companies have approximately 10% of the total share of the barter economy as it is today. The main factors for which traders do not participate in the barter economy are: • Fees payable in cash – up to 13% • Incorporation fee (approximately A $ 1,000) • Transaction fees • Monthly account fees • Non-commercial fees • Advertising fees • Fair fees • Interest rates • Lack of merchants’ technology to facilitate a transaction • Inability to convert the commercial dollar to fiduciary currency • Platform limited to B2B transactions only • Lack of optionality in transaction types by the provider of the platform

As illustrated in the following work example, some Barter affiliates offer an interest-free line of credit of T $ 5,000 to join. The merchant then spends T $ 5,000 and

Now he owes the owner of the platform. The merchant must offer goods and services to pay the line of credit and pay the $ 600 in cash transaction fees to the owner of the platform. Balance T $ Transaction T $ Fees (12%) $ 5,000 $ 1,000 $ 4,000 – $ 1,000 $ 120 $ 3,000 – $ 1,000 $ 120 $ 2,000 – $ 1,000 $ 120 $ 1,000 – $ 1,000 $ 120 – $ 1,000 $ 120 Total fees $ 1,600

Online entertainment: online entertainment includes games that include bets of something of value (usually money) on the outcome of an event or game using the Internet. The regulated gaming market was USD 44.16 billion in 2016 and is estimated to reach USD 81.71 billion by 2022, with a compound annual rate of 10.8%. The current unregulated markets are so large but are slowly being regulated. * 5

The main advantages of the UBECOIN platform are:

Convenient decentralized exchange based on block technology with guaranteed copies of data for each user Functionality, maximum transactions are simple and profitable

The minimum rates are compared with other payment methods: minimum or no fee in the system

Money transfers are regulated by intelligent contracts: a reliable and integrated personal portfolio for each user where funds are stored and where payments are made. The peer-to-peer system does not require any document or account for cash transactions.

Cryptocopy is one of the simplest and easiest ways to make payments now, as well as a cost-effective way to invest. Along with blocking technology, it has many excellent features that the UBECOIN system shows: fast and secure transactions anytime, anywhere. The employer can quickly find free workers in the system, obtain high quality services and pay for them with the UBECOIN brands.

Finally, a cryptography that you can rely on to boost your business. 
Ubecoin is only accepted by legitimate companies that are part of our free trade barter network.

This business list is growing. Ubecoin will live up to its name of quickly becoming ubiquitous.




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Crypto Circle X – a revolutionary crypto exchange


How can a mobile app use AI, auto-trading and secure your crypto portfolio and future investments

You don’t need to be cryptocurrency professional trader or a financial expert to be bothered by the issues of the current crypto trading platforms; actually, a series of problems that concern this exchanges affect thousands of new traders, every day. Still, you may wonder, is there anything we can do about it? Are there any strong options to choose from? Some exchanges have proven to be vulnerable to attacks or fail at protecting the users’ accounts; others have a minimal list of altcoins available for trade; other trading platforms are challenging to use or execute operations with huge delays; finally, some crypto exchanges continuously seem to fall victims of market manipulation!

Introducing Crypto Circle X – a revolutionary crypto exchange, built entirely on the Blockchain


Prepare to discover a platform aimed to address the most common issues of today’s crypto market and offer a fantastic users experience to all its participants – all these through a safe, trustworthy and stable exchange. Start with a series of security features, add multiple technical solutions that guarantee the possibility to execute millions of transactions per second, secure everything with numerous anti-manipulation components and in the end you get one of the most promising concepts in crypto, in 2018! All this, available through a modern and user-friendly mobile app!

Available cryptocurrency on the exchange

The platform is built to enable users access to more than 600 cryptocurrencies; the list will contain the significant coins of today plus other strong credibility altcoins.
In the beginning, trading will be available through BTC, ETH and CCX.
Crypto Circle X will offer its members the ability to purchase crypto directly with Fiat (starting with Euro).

The Crypto Circle X token sale, in brief

  • The CCX (Crypto Circle X) token uses an ERC20 Ethereum Blockchain protocol
  • The private sale is open from mid-August until mid-September. Participants are rewarded with a 15% bonus on the token purchase during this phase.
  • The pre-sale will launch on September 17th and will accept participants until October 22nd. A 7% bonus will be available during this stage.
  • The crowdsale is set to take place during October 22nd-November 26th (or will be ended whenever the hard cap is met).
  • A total of 75% of the CCX tokens total amount will be available during these three stages. The rest of the tokens will be directed as bonuses, bounty and towards the team
  • The soft cap is set at $3,000,000.00 and the hard cap at $3,000,000.00
  • Tokens can be purchased using ETH
  • During the three stages earlier described, a total amount of 223,000,000 CCX Tokens will be available for investors
  • The value of one CCX is currently set at $0.09

More about Crypto Circle X

Learn more about the Crypto Circle Exchange platform right now by accessing the official website Also, browse through the latest version of the Crypto Circle Exchange Platform official whitepaper at This online document will provide valuable information regarding aspects such as:

  • The progress that the platform developers have made until now, estimates of the future milestones and the exact date for the exchange launch
  • The platform’s revenue generation model
  • The core team and the project’s advisors
  • A complete description of the CCX token and the distribution methods
Author : Arumi.Bilqis

DNAtix makes raw data of DNA sequence accessible

Hello everyone, Today I will introduce the DNAtix Project and to find out more about the benefits of the DNAtix project, the following is the explanation:

DNAtix Platform is the information that can be used by CONSUMERS, researchers, and laboratories to make genealogies accessible, transparent and hidden. PT. For Singer purposes, DNAtix will use Advanced Infrastructure And Blockchain Technology to PROVIDE SERVICES such as scanning, storing and exchanging AKSes through digital Direct DNA data platforms to CONSUMERS.

In addition, DNAtix will issue a token utility that is used for the DNAtix genetic platform and also contribute to the development of DNAtix projects in the future. On this platform, users will be able to download some or all of the genetic information quickly, reliably, and anonymously.

What does DNAtix offer?

1 A blockchain Infrastructure for Genetic storage and transfer

2 An ecosystem and Portal for GDAPPS (genetic apps)

3 Anonymous genetic services

4 Own your DNA

5 Propelling genetic research to develop new health solutions

6 Get specific big Data for small money

7 Propelling precision personalizes medicine

8 Customer targeted platform- easy to use

Why is DNAtix platform so innovative?

1 Enabling upload, storage & transfer of DNA sequences

2 Advanced Blockchain Genetic platform – able to deal with large data files

3 Provides complete anonymity

4 Connects customers with solutions

5 State of the art user experience

What does DNAtix offer to the community ?

DNAtix enables everyone to control and manage their genetic information:

DNAtix makes raw data of DNA sequence accessible to end users, enabling them to take active actions towards preventive medicine.

DNAtix platform will allow uploading of partial and/or full genome sequences as well as storing, transferring and testing of these sequences.

DNAtix platform is based on advanced blockchain technologies enabling anonymous and secured digitized genetic services.

This service is provided by DNAtix

Some Genetic Tests

DNAtix will provide a variety of lifestyles and costs that will be carried out in a separate test or packaging.

High security

In general, blockchain applications cannot be solved. This is information about the confidentiality of users’ genetic information.

Contact your service provider

The DNAtix sales platform automatically submits users to the corresponding PROVIDER SERVICES, analyzing the findings of the solutions provided by Specific Solutions.

DNAtix portfolio

DNAtix will develop an electronic wallet where Participants will monitor and access the DNAtix platform. Besides that, the Singer’s wallet will also store genetic information from each particular user.

Our technology


DNAtix develops the genetic ecosystem in the Future, where CONSUMERS, Researchers, laboratories and clinics meet reviews for use and produce genetics with a more transparent way, accessible, safe and secure.


A genetically modern platform based on the block chain that provides anonymous and encrypted genetic services, including analysis, storage of transferring and sequencing DNA through digital platforms that go directly to consumers.


DNAtix completes the First Evidence concept (POC), Transferring the entire viral genome sequence into the Ethereum block chain. The Singing Test Is A Key Step, And The Company Believes That Singers Are The First Time Someone SUCCESSFULLY Transfers DNA Sequences To The Block Chain.


This will be the only payment adopted on the DNAtix platform. This total coin delivery is set at 150,000,000 VND, which means that additional tokens are not issued. Until the first year, 15% of DNAtix will be stored in a backup account.

DNAtix token

This will be the only payment medium received on the DNAtix platform. This total coin supply is set at 150,000,000 VND, which means no additional tokens are thrown. In the first year, 15% DNAtix will be stored in a backup account.

Sales Token

DNAtix is expected to launch ICO in June 2018. During this event, 85% of 150,000 DNAtix tokens will be sold. Hard caps for fundraising events were set at $ 30 million. Other details about upcoming ICOs are not yet available on the project’s website.

ICO information

Token symbol: DNTX

Token Sales Start: June 2018

Token Price: $ 0.01

Total supply: 150,000,000

Hard Cap: $ 30 million


Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the DNAtix currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

For more information and join DNAtix social media today please follow these resources:


White Paper:




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Author (Arumi.Bilqis)

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Yamzu – a feature most important

Welcome my dear friends. Today I will tell you about a very interesting project.Yamzu is designed as a full-featured, browser-based eSports tournament. Platform Yamzu allows to hold competitions in eSports to any player anywhere on Earth.
The platform is one of a kind, completely browser-based. Competing companies are faced with constant problems of users ‘ privacy. Meanwhile, internal user research shows that the browser platform really shows more growth and potential. These factors give confidence, especially given that Yamzu has a user base (10,000) and an irrefutable track record of 300% annual growth in just two years of activity


The platform is designed for the following:
  • Players and teams fight for prizes and rewards.
  • Brands, influencers and organizations that want to create tournaments.
  • Advertisers and sponsors, focused on the eSports audience.
    Yamzu currently supports CS: GO and LoL, two of the most popular eSports games in the world. The platform is ready to integrate many more popular games such as DOTA2, Call of Duty, Battlefield and PUBG.General information
Token: YMZ
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Quantity: 269,230,770 YMZ
Price: 1 YMZ = 0,1 EUR


Soft cap: 3,000,000 EUR
Hard cap: 13,000,000 EUR


Quantity: 71,500,000 YMZ
Beginning: 25.07.2018
Completion: 25.08.2018


Quantity: 35,000,000 YMZ
Beginning: 29.08.2018
Conclusion: 29.09.2018 I will Tell you a few words about the team. Asiad Majeed
Asiad Majeed manages daily operations ASU. Being a lifelong entrepreneur with international experience, Asiad brings rich knowledge to bear on every stage of business growth by building Yamzu from scratch. As a gamer from a very early age in the industry, he also has a unique understanding necessary to clarify the ever-changing needs of the gaming community. Yamzu market is in good hands. During the Asian games at luleå Technical University, he studied Economics and management under the guidance of mentor Bob Proctor. After University, he worked for five years in Costa Rica, holding senior positions in sales organizations, as well as in business planning of the American investment firm Forbes and York. Upon his return to Sweden, as said the I22 trained in Kiruna with the army Arctic Rangers, who recognized his leadership abilities and convinced the founder to stay and train soldiers in Kiruna. Asiad is fluent in Swedish, English, Spanish and Arabic.


Hristiyan Nikolov
Chief engineer Yamzu, maven programmer and technical Director is none other than Hristiyan Nikolov. Combining a wealth of experience in game development with the ability to develop game statistics, Hristiyan has built a browser-based interface that supports the thriving Yamzu community. Before joining Yamzu, he worked on software for MOBA and online fantasy leagues. Hristiyan is the architect of the machine AMCU. It would be an understatement to classify it as a Windows and Unix expert. Pragmatic in thoughts and approaches, Hristiyan develops customized solutions with precise and creative adaptations that have proven themselves in the field of new technologies. Blockchain technology is one of the most challenging areas of development and we believe we’re lucky to have such a brilliant mind at the helm.


Antonio Migliaccio
Antonio Migliaccio supported Yamzu since its inception, particularly in helping the company make full use of the matrix and user conversion. Given its extensive financial background, Antonio has led Yamzu in choosing the most appropriate path to follow to better deliver additional value to its users and in selecting critical areas for further expansion. Antonio’s approach to business is focused on both technical and financial direction, making it ideal for the CFO’s position in this emerging eSports market. As for past experience, Antonio received a bachelor’s degree in business management from the University of Verona (Italy) and a master’s degree in banking and corporate Finance from SDA Bocconi in Milan. Antonio also works as head of education at Maveric SA, a consulting firm for Blockchain and also collaborates with several financial institutions in Italy. In the past, Antonio worked as a trader in the stock and currency markets in several private trading companies.


Jovan Radnic
Jovan is a young and qualified marketing assistant from Montenegro. “The little engine that could” team ASU, Jovan found the first streamers for inclusion in the closed beta in 2016, and since he controlled three main functions. First, it supports and interacts with the Yamzu community, and despite the news in the wider gaming culture. Second, Jovan acts as a customer support mouthpiece for Yamzu – a feature most important because of the direct feedback he collects on the platform. Finally, he also brainstorms ideas as impressive for their creativity as their desperate audacity. Before joining Yamzu for marketing, Jovan worked with the artist Can Dogan in 2014-2015, managed the artists ‘ social networks and reached out to partners. He secured ” Can ” a lucrative deal with Riot Games, the League of legends Publisher. Jovan also has experience in event and project management.


Marcus Zacco
Markus creates internal processes, evaluates indicators and ensures that Yamzu is on the right track to achieve its specific goals. A member of Sweden’s MENSA, Marcus combines a high level of intelligence with a low level of data access on the Yamzu platform, the contours of the game landscape and, of course, competition. In addition to simple mental development, Markus has a special understanding in marketing and is a resident copywriter and facilitator of the overall perception of the company by outsiders. Perhaps most impressively, it develops flowcharts that often capture events and corporate structures before they happen or form. In addition, Marcus helps create and update his own Yamzu workflow, a system he developed from scratch.


Ian Scarffe
Ian scarf, blockchain and cryptography Advisor, Ian is a serial entrepreneur, investor and consultant with experience from around the world. Being a presenter .Road map. Q1 2016
Yamzu Constitution the first closed beta of Yamzu is launched for League of Legends. Yamzu begins to earn revenue.
Q4 2016
Yamzu completes its first operational year with incomes above the 800 thousand SEK.
Q1 2017
Yamzu launches CS: GO in a “closed beta”.
Q2 2017
CS: GO is launched in the “open beta” with League of Legends.
Q4 2017
Engine Yamzu ready to support mobile games. We are celebrating the second year and the best platform from the point of view of income. The platform produced more Than SEK 2.7 million for approximately 300% of the revenue growth generated in 2016.
Q3 2018
Token sale
Q4 2018
Full implementation of YMZ tokens into the platform. Yamzu opens the platform to sponsors, influencers and partners. The launch of the product line Yamzu for gamers. YMZ will be quoted on trading platforms. Implementation of internal exchange.
Q1 2019
The first mobile eSports games will be implemented on the platform. More PC eSports titles will be available, including DOTA 2, PUBG, Call of Duty, and Battlefield.
Q2 2019
Yamzu will host its first global eSports events.
Q4 2019
By this point, Yamzu will have over 20 eSports titles available on its platform, from AAA to indie games.
Q2 2020
Yamzu will hold annual eSports Championships for our top ten countries with the most users.